I haven’t been using this app for very long but I can already tell it’s a very minimal, yet useful app. I have used similar budgeting apps like Rocket, but I think the features/UI can be a little unnecessary and distracting.
My only complaint so far is the seemingly limited customization. A simple feature I hope is added is the ability for you to customize colors for different bills. For example, it would be great to have all my streaming service subscriptions in red, all insurance-related bills in orange, etc. I also hope more icons will be added to choose from in the future, and the option to have different icons for income sources.
A less simple feature I hope for is the option to connect a bank account for simplified income tracking, maybe this could be a difficult thing to implement, but for my personal situation and in the living I make, I don’t have a set amount of hours I work in a given week, so being able to effectively track earnings and not just estimating would be a massive improvement.
All in all, if you’re looking for a very simple, but effective, bill tracker, look no further than this app.
Really hoping this one doesn’t get bought out by one of the big companies and ruined like Rocket.